Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Unique Natural Hot Flash Treatment - From The Ocean

In my quest to identify Hot Flash Natural Treatments I've discovered an unlikely source which comes from the ocean and that unique source is Kelp...
If you have problems with hot flashes, along with other challenging menopausal discomforts and are seeking a natural solution, then you've come to the right place.
I am on a mission to "unearth" as many natural remedies or treatments for hot flashes as possible. In my pursuit I've "discovered" Kelp which is a variety of seaweed. It is found along rocky sea shores throughout the world.
Oh my! Kelp is so awesome... here's the scoop... In my research of Kelp I found that it is loaded with nutrients which include over 70 minerals and trace elements. I can't believe that I am just now realizing the incredible benefits of Kelp.
Please pay attention to this. In addition to the over 70 minerals, Kelp possess trace elements, growth hormones, enzymes, vitamins, proteins which include iodine, potassium, magnesium, iron and calcium.
Kelp supports the thyroid gland, which is a key sex gland stimulator, can lessen and may even stop menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, weight gain, moodiness and menopausal tension. When Kelp is taken daily it may promote emotional balance.
As a bit of a bonus here are a few more benefits of kelp for all around physical and emotional well-being.
Additional reported benefits of Kelp:
1.) Strengthen immunity
2.) Effectively fights viral condition
3.) Improve liver function
4.) Suppress AIDS
5.) Supports healthy digestion and lessens constipation
6.) Reduce hair loss
7.) Combat against heart disease and cancer
8.) Support lowering of cholesterol level
How Do I Take Kelp?
Kelp can be taken as a supplement, dried, granulated or even in powder form. Kelp is easy to consume you can add it to drinks, used for flavoring in the manner salt is used, add it to meals for seasoning and even eat the powdered kelp directly.
The miraculous Kelp can be easily attained at your local health food store. A side note, I bought Kelp this past weekend at my local health food store in the powered form.
I wanted the dry Kelp (seaweed) but the store only sold the powered form. It has a very distinct taste... rather what else would I expect knowing that the source is the ocean.
The second time I tried it I added a heaping tablespoon of Kelp to a half glass of apple juice. Granted the apple juice didn't totally masked the distinct taste of Kelp but it does make it a bit more palatable.
Because I know that Kelp is loaded with all sorts of good "stuff" to keep my body healthy I drank it down in a matter of seconds...
Honestly, I don't know about you but I am literally blown away by the magnificent health benefits of Kelp...
The more I research natural remedies the more I come to the realization that "Mother Nature" seems to hold the "keys" to our is the original Source for our health and wellness. Kelp has been added to a viable hot flash natural treatment.
To your excellent health,
Note - Please remember that it is always important to consult your health practitioner before beginning any remedies to make sure they won't harm your health nor have any adverse effects. The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only. This publication, and the product contained herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Ameenah Maria Lutfee has practiced optimal health for over 25 years before becoming a freelance writer. Her "30 Key Discoveries for Natural Relief for Menopause" report is free and available at her blog site, She maintains up to date insights on natural relief for hot flashes via her blog site as well.

View the original article here

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