Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How to Treat Hot Flashes - 7 1/2 Key Strategies to Help You Feel Better Now!

If you have ever experienced a hot flash then you know how unpredictable frustrating, embarrassing, irritating, and even depressing they can be. They often bring about lethargy, fatigue and often insomnia for some women and the question arise "how to treat hot flashes."
Hot flashes are caused by decreases in estrogen and progesterone. When these hormones are reduced the gland in the body, the hypothalamus, which acts a thermostat has difficulty determining whether we are hot or cold. Some women suffer only mildly from them, whereas others find they are hot and soaking in the cold of winter.
By now you may be asking the question,what are natural alternatives for treating the condition? In answer to that question, here are 7.5 key strategies to help you gain a sense of well-being in overcoming hot flashes.
1. Dress in layers. Wear natural fibers that are made of cotton, linen or wool instead of synthetic fabrics. These natural fabrics can help diffuse the heat resulting in you feeling more relaxed and cool
2. Avoid triggers such as alcoholic beverage, caffeine and caffeinated drinks (so be sure and read labels), too hot weather, excessively spicy foods and hot drinks
3. Take nutritional supplements such as vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B complex (a mainstay), calcium and magnesium
4. Herbal supplements can also aid in lessening your discomfort, e.g., Black Cohosh, Maca, Red Clover, Damiana and Evening Primrose. (Both Damiana and Evening Primrose are mainstays for me for menopausal symptoms)
5. If you do not have a regular exercise routine you should consider starting one. Exercise reduces stress and tension. The release of endorphins aid in providing you with a sense of calm
6. For sleep wear garments try garments that are made from natural fabrics, such as cottons or silks ... bedtime garments can be super light weight fabrics to wearing the very minimal for night wear
7. Use of a natural progesterone cream may help to reduce hot flashes by supporting hormonal balance; Visit your local health food store and talk to your holistic nutritionist for more information
7 1/2. Join a women's health forum and ask other members what has been effective for them in overcoming hot flashes; So these are 7.5 ways for how to treat how flashes.
I have provided you with a variety of helpful ways to treat hot flashes that have worked for me.
NOTE: Prior to consuming any herbs for hot flashes, I suggest you do your research and check with a health practitioner to assure the herb or remedy is right for you.
To your excellent health!
Ameenah Maria Lutfee has practiced optimal health for over 25 years before becoming a freelance writer. Her "30 Key Discoveries for Natural Relief for Menopause" report is free and available at her blog site, She maintains up to date insights on natural relief for hot flashes via her blog site as well.

View the original article here

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