Monday, February 6, 2012

Red Clover: The Best Natural Herb for Menopause

Red Clover is the best natural herb for menopause symptom relief.In fact the most effective menopause supplements recommended by health experts often include this natural herb.
A member of the legume family (which includes beans and peas), Red Clover is rich in phytoestrogens, elements occurring naturally in the plant that effectively correspond and mimic estrogen in the female body.
Moreover, studies conducted recently show that using red clover for menopause can greatly reduce or even eliminate hot flashes for many women AS WELL AS help protect you against bone loss.
The top menopause supplements recommended more often contain this natural ingredient as it can be very helpful to women who are looking for an effective natural herb for menopause symptom relief.
National Cancer Institute Study Finds More Red Clover Benefits
Studies done in Australia and by the National Cancer Institute shows that red clover contains not only one, but actually four different phytoestrogens.
Two of their studies suggested that this herb may help in the areas of lowering blood pressure by helping to thin the blood and in helping to reduce or even eliminate menopausal hot flashes.
When you're looking for symptom relief but don't want to take pharmaceutical drugs associated with hormone replacement therapies (HRT), then finding a good supplement that contains red clover can be very beneficial. HRT, taken long-term, has been proven to greatly increase the chances of contracting breast cancer.
Red Clover for Menopause
Traditional medicine has few options available to them when it comes to menopause symptom relief and women have been using natural herbs to successfully treat these issues for hundreds of years.
All natural herbal supplements have few, if, any, side effects and are much safer to take for menopause symptom relief than synthetic drugs.
Using an all natural herbal remedy like red clover will take away that concern for many women.
The Best Natural Herb for Menopause Symptom Relief
Studies show that as many as 70% - 85% of women will experience mild to severe symptoms during menopause.
If you find yourself suffering from insomnia, weight gain in your belly area, headaches, hot flashes and night sweats, or any of the other problems associated with menopause, you're no doubt looking for some relief.
I suggest you choose a top menopause natural supplement that contains red clover; menopause relief can then be fast and long-lasting.
When you're looking for a good natural herb for menopause symptoms, you should also look for one that has been produced using the highest quality 'standardized herbal extracts' and manufactured under strict quality control.
Other key herbs, vitamins and minerals should also be included to provide you with the optimal health benefits and to help create a type of synergy that helps to both reduce or eliminate menopausal symptoms and enhance your overall health.
Recommended Supplements for Menopause Symptoms
Remember, whenever you begin taking a new supplement, it is a good idea to check with your doctor first.
You really don't have to suffer!
Red Clover is definitely the best natural herb for menopause symptom relief and is usually one of the key ingredients found in the top menopause supplements recommended by health experts.
Countless women find lasting relief from the troublesome and sometimes debilitating symptoms of menopause through the use of natural herbs and extracts like Red Clover.
No doubt, it's become one of the most popular natural menopause supplements recommended and can certainly provide you with the symptom relief you're seeking.
Learn about other this and natural herbs for menopause and discover the top menopause supplements recommended by health experts today at

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