As most women know entering into menopause is not something that can be avoided and there are many symptoms that come with it. It's a well known fact that the hormones jump all over the place during this time. What also has to be realized is that there are many different types of hormones that are affected that are applicable to the different organs. One of these is the thyroid gland. It produces a hormone that plays a critical role in the body and when it is not working properly it can create all types of problems. These hormones help the body to know how much energy to use, and it also makes proteins, and just as important it direct the body on how to act in respect to the hormones. So you can see why during the menopause years the functioning of the thyroid is critical and how it can have an effect on the hormone changes that are taking place in the body during menopause.
One of the changes in hormones that takes place at the onset of menopause and often before these years are reached is a reduction in the hormones that are needed for reproduction.
The common symptoms of the menopausal years are many and they vary in intensity. They can be...
- Fatigue
- Moodiness
- Bloating
- Depressed
- Insomnia
- Weight gain
... and of course many others. Not every woman has every symptom or the same combination of symptoms.
With some thyroid disease it can be either hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, the hyper meaning over active and the hypo being underactive. In respect to being close in symptoms to menopause it would be in reference to hypothyroidism.
Some of the common symptoms of hypothyroidism vary as well and there can be several combinations of them, they can be...
- Fatigue
- Unexplained weight gain
- Depression
- Heavier than normal menstrual periods
They sound very close as to what one could simply assume as being menopause. You can see why these symptoms could be easily written off as being the change of life cycle. It is most important when you experience any new symptoms in your body that you have a good medical checkup. For women no new symptom should just be considered as menopause. Ideally having the thyroid checked on a yearly basis while going through menopause wouldn't hurt. You are most likely going for yearly medical checkups anyway so just insure that you ask your health care provider to check your thyroid at this time.
For other important things to keep track of during your menopause years we have lots of resources to help you with this. Plus if you are in need of some support we can help with that as well.
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