Sunday, March 11, 2012

Managing Menopause and the Seasons of Our Lives Naturally

To every thing there is a season and a time and a purpose... Don't we women know it, especially when we enter the season of our lives known as menopause. It is a time when our bodies will undergo changes due to the drop in the hormone estrogen. While it may be a natural part of life, it may not be comfortable or welcome.
Some of the symptoms of menopause are nausea, rapid heartbeat, sweating, mood swings, achy joints, sleep problems, night sweats, a decrease in libido, and even a feeling of suffocation. While these symptoms may come and go our lives don't stop and we can't just put things on hold. They may range from mildly annoying to life changing and extremely frustrating. Though it may be hard to laugh at, sometimes seeing the humor in a situation is one of the best ways of coping.
Though menopause is inevitable, it doesn't mean that you can't have some control over it, after all it is still your body. Using natural herbs that have been used for centuries is one way to lessen the effects and give your body a break. The natural phytoestrogens found in plants have no harmful chemicals or synthetic ingredients and they do soothe you naturally because they have the same effect as estrogen, just what your body needs.
Each one of us is an individual so no two women's bodies are exactly alike and how we respond to the change in estrogen and the symptoms it produces vary. Talking to other women and reading about their experiences and how they coped is one of the best ways to prepare yourself and then to adjust to the new cycle of your life. It is usually gradual unless there has been a drastic change in health or surgery, so most women have time to get into the swing of things.
Are there any pluses or benefits to menopause? One thing that many women find is that they start listening to their bodies and tuning in. Some feel that this is an often overlooked benefit of menopause. Nature forces us to slow down and start paying attention to our own health and the rhythms of our bodies. Just as there are often changes taking place in the world around us, outside of us, there are changing going on inside as well and they all combine to produce a new season and sometimes some new ways of looking at life.
Debi Swift, the owner of Endless Herbs Natural Foods, has developed the formula for EZ Meno'Pause A natural and safe herbal remedy. Endless Herbs is a small company run by women and we use our own experience to develop our products and yes, we use them ourselves. We chose each ingredient through our own experiences and we are proud of the results and our repeat customers. Visit our store in Newport, Me or online at Endless Herbs Natural Foods

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